Thursday 26 July 2012

Highlights of my time here at Canada/ fourth assignment

I’ve been here in Canada for our weeks now and I’m leaving this Sunday which is sad because I don’t want to leave, but I’ll tell you my experiences here in Canada and at Niagara college. In generally it was very good I had a really good time on the first week I did a lot of things for example e o arrived Friday June 29th so that weekend I went to the beach the both days I went with my home stay and I had a really good time. Then it as time for the first day on class, I was really nervous but it was not that bad, they gave us burgers for lunch and then we made spaghetti and marshmallow towers, and  I got to know really good people which I became friends with. That week we also went to Niagara on the lake which is a really pretty small town we only had little time to be there so we only see a few things. Then on the blink of an eye it was already Friday and some friends and i decided to go to the canal to see the iluminaqua we went walking so it was an hour walking it was really exhausting but I had a really good time. Then on Saturday we went to St. Catharine to see a show of old cars which were very pretty but it got boring after a while so we decided to go to the mall. And that was it for the week. On my next week It was very good too that week I went to Niagara falls and went on the maid of the mist which is one of the best experiences I’ve ever had it was amazing getting to see the falls so close it’s a wonderful experience. Then on the weekend we went to Toronto Saturday and spent the night there and return on Sunday that was a very good experience to but it was one of the most exhausting weekends I’ve ever had we walk all over Toronto for the weekend but it was pretty cool. And that was it for the second week it was not much but they were all great experiences. Then my third week here the week before I leave it was very good that week we got to play hockey as the school activity for the week it was really good learning other sports and the way they are played then that Friday the school took us again to Niagara falls but this time it was on the night it was amazing the falls look so pretty at night with all those lights and we got to see the firework show there, they were very pretty I hadn’t seen fireworks in a long time. Then on Saturday we were going to go to buffalo but we couldn’t go because we were under aged and couldn’t go without an adult supervision so we decided to go to the beach, we went to long beach it was pretty and we had a great time too! And then after the beach we had burgers at a friend’s house. And that’s was it for my third week. And now the fourth week my last week here in Canada well we haven’t done much but we went hiking and I had a great experience there we were walking and me and a couple of friends were walking faster and we were on front so we were walking when we suddenly saw this snake on the floor it was horrible we well I started screaming like crazy I really hate snakes and all that kind of animals so from that point until the end I walked like behind a friend it was funny.
Well this were my four weeks here in Canada it all was an amazing experience, getting to know people for other countries and learning about their culture and even sometimes learning funny words on their language. It was all amazing, but specially having the opportunity to make new friends and share all this great experiences we had together.

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